
Dear You

I do not know what to say
I do not know what to hope
I believe in the first sight
I believe in the power of the eye
I love everything about him
I want to know about him
He's one of the favorite boy
I ever see
I fall in love
Like i ever love someone that i used to know
I fall in your eyes
My heart can not stop beating
Even for a while
Even for a minute
You are the awesome paranoia
You are the beauty of God's creature
You are the main of my mind
You are my dear.


This is a reality of life

Around 6.30 pm

I feel sad. Just sad.
Staring at my phone screen and read word by word a text from the very best hero in my entire life.
It was like a simple question pop up in my text message screen.
I don't think that will be going to make me suffer and surender.
I just think at that time that was just a simple question like he always sent.
But yesterday not only about a "how are you" "what are you doing" "how's college" "when will you get the test" "what do you eat" question.
That was very scary, even scarier than the conjuring or insidious 2.
He was asking me the most difficult question i ever imagine. It was really beyond expectation. Harder than intermediate accounting  final exam.
I couldn't breathe, i just staring at my phone, my sight was getting blur. And i just about to cry but i knew i have to handle this.
He asked me this question.
"In 2 years later I will going to be retaired, what should i do after that?"
What should i answer?
I pretend i don't read that message. Then i replied about 30minutes later.
I am sad. Still sad.
I was crying.

It feels like i am the most stupid daughter in the world.
How can i can't be a proud daughter for them. How can i always ruin my life.
I am a terrible mess. Really.

But then i know.
I realize something.
I am getting older.
I am being an adult now.
Half adult.
I have a very big responsibility.
I just can't rely on him anymore.
Not more.
I have to stand up by my feet.
Holding my own soulder.
Walk by my own sweat.
This is scary.
This is the scariest part of this life.
When you finally got this choice.

He will be retired in less than 2years.
It means i must feed my self.
I must be a grown up child.
But i just don't know.
I just think that i want always be like 7years old young girl playing babydoll.
Life must be very easier.

But now i am 20. Not in 7 or 17 years old.
I have to be a ready to face this hurt truth.
But you know, life is just is.
And life is just was.
Not even will and want.
This is the reality of life.
Holding on your self for something.



It's not a love story so don't judge me
This is neither a sad poetry so don't be melancholy
These words are the most honest sentence i ever tell everybody

I am just a common girl don't be rude
You are just another people just be quite
But he is a smile to every heart beat :-)

He used to be a stranger
He used to be an outsider
He used to be my admiration
He always be my 'i don't know what happen with my self' when he's around

But now

He is my dream catcher
He is and he was
He is my morning and night
He always is
He is my flower to a beautiful bee

I adore him
I always
And always
And always

He is so adorable
He is a lovable man
He always
And always
And I adore him
And always.