
A Cup of Hot Chocolate

Who calm you down when you are alone?
Who make you warm when you need a hug?
Who will save your tears from the smooky eyes?

Sometimes you do not need a person, personally
Sometimes you do not need a word to explain
Sometimes all you need is a nice smell
Sometimes all you want is a nice meal

Or sometimes all you need the most is a cup of hot chocolate.


Kepada Embun Pagi

Kepada embun pagi disetiap mimpi
Dapatkah kau bangun lebih dini?
Kecup keningku sehangat mentari
Lalu rangkul tanganku seperti bidadari

Kepada embun pagi disetiap mimpi
Aku memujamu seperti bulan mengelilingi matahari tiada henti
Aku menghela nafas setiap kulihat wajah yang ku curi

Kepada embun pagi disetiap mimpi
Cintai aku dalam setiap darah mengalir di nadi
Cintai aku selalu seperti aku selalu mencintaimu hari ini.

Ps: this poem made over 6months ago.



I want to speak
I want to scream
I want to understand
I want to know
I want to answer
But, when?

I want to be understood
I want to be calmed
I want to be noticed
I want to be accompanied
I want to be listened
But, when?

I want you know
I want you understand
I want you stop
I want you listen
I want you care
But, when?

I want to give up
I want to stop
I want to hide
I want to disappear
I want to go
But, when?

When will I?

I want a time
I want a space
I want an ear
To understand
To hear me

When will I?