
A Long Distance Lover

You were born in the spring season
Where flowers blossom like a sugar
Where a bird yell louder than a public choir
And fly higher than a jet plane

I was raised in a land without sand and track
Where wombs will came out and look for a string
Where a cat can run faster than your 5yo kid rides a bike
Where your father just sit and watch you smile

You were raised in a city full of joy & laughter
Fulfilling every sadness mind
And empty soul
Cutting a bad joke & satire story

I used to live in a place called miracle
The sun was yellow but sometimes blue
The river not always flow but it always looks tasty
I saw you there, once
When I pick my candy next to your ice cream cone

You are now gone
To the world I never know
To the language I may not understand
Or maybe you just disappear
To make a distance
To see if love still grows even when we're apart for a long time

How far love can separate heart to their beats?
I don't think it takes a very long distance away.

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