
The Happiest Goodbye

We will see
Something better and brighter
Running from the sky
Turning to our heart

Something unseen
Not even by the expensive glass
We can see by the heart
The functional one

I know something
About the scary future
And the lame past
I know we can not
Undo the past
Forward the future

I am afraid
Of losing something
I can barely touch
And understand

We know
Life as we know it
We do not know
Life as we do not know it

What life can bring you up
What life can turn you down
Falling apart

I know
We have to accept
Life as we do not know
The past that kills you

We will remember
As we reminiscing yesterday
And hoping for a better day

We will see him again
Someday in the old journal
Laughing and ashamed

Good bye
I'll see you on the next decade
A past to be remember.

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