
Infinite Emptiness

We at least try to be a good person
Affected by the people we knew for a long time
Or people we barely knew
Even a stranger.

If you think you can change the world by being a good person
You might be wrong
They do not need your empathy or tears
Everyone needs non fiction result.

Still thinking about being a good person is hard?
I guess so
Do not assume if you keep quite for what you've seen
You can be called as a kind man
People will yelled at you
Calling you a scumbag.

Guilty will haunt you, endlessly
Like you will sleep like a baby no more
Chewing a bit candy
Instead of a shining wrapper.

You all gonna be doomed by assumptions
End up being a garbage
Throw out to a trash can no one will find.

The heart will ripped out
Trade the soul for the evil
Like what Nicolas ever did.

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